29 year old Reeva Steenkamp was shot dead by her boyfriend Oscar Pistorius on Valentine's Day 2013. He would claim that he thought there was an intruder locked in his bathroom and he shot through the door 4 times out of fear. Prosecutors in South Africa didn't find his story believable. There was evidence that pointed to domestic violence ending in murder. The thing is, Reeva was an activist against domestic violence. Could she have been caught up in an abusive relationship? The fame of Oscar Pistorius "The Blade Runner" made this a highly publicized crime. But, more important than fame is the precious life lost in this senseless, incredibly violent murder. Reeva was a young woman who possessed more than physical beauty and who left behind two devastated parents and a world of possibilities. Join us at the quiet end as we talk about Reeva's life, the trial of her killer, and the all too common threads of domestic and gun violence.
Dick gives us his review of Castle 1895 Draught from South African Breweries
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